Mega Dragonzord (combination of Dino Megazord & Dragonzord).Dragonzord Battle Mode(combination of Dragonzord, Mastodon, Triceratops and Saber-Tooth Tiger Dinozords).Dino Megazord(combination of Dinozords).

Zords Main article: Zords Rangers Zords Main article: Zords (MMPR) Season One Also allow access to Zordon's Command Center. When inserted into Power Morphers, gives each teen the ability to morph into Power Rangers. Power Coins: Source of the Ranger's power.Believed destroyed, but the Sword (or a facsimile) returned on several occasions. Sword of Darkness: A weapon temporarily wielded by the Green Ranger while under Rita Repulsa's control.Sword of Light: A sword that acts as a transfer conduit in order to confer the Rangers' powers between individuals.Red Ranger uses the Power Sword, Yellow Ranger uses the Power Daggers, Blue Ranger uses the Power Lance, Pink Ranger uses the Power Bow, and Black Ranger uses the Power Axe. Power Weapons: Five individual weapons that can combine into the Power Blaster for powerful attacks.Power Cannon: Giant bazooka that fires loadable spheres of energy.Enhances the Rangers' speed, strength, resistance to injury and resistance to magic spells. Metallic Armor: Special armor created for battling an improved breed of Tenga Warriors.Shark Cycles: Shark-themed motorcycles used for rough terrain.Also has the ability to fly and fire laser blasts from his eyes in combat. Used to summon and control the White Tigerzord. Saba: White Ranger's sentient, talking sword.Blade Blaster: Standardized Ranger weapon.Dragon Dagger: Green Ranger's weapon used in combat, and also to summon and control the Dragonzord.Power Morphers: Used by the teens to morph into their Power Ranger forms.Main Articles: Arsenal (MMPR), Arsenal (MMPR2), and Arsenal (MMPR3). Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers Main article: Alien Rangers Color Wild West Rangers Main article: Wild West Rangers Color 4.4 Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers (Mini Series)Ĭharacters Power Rangers Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Main article: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (team) Color.